Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Goal Without a Plan....

There is a saying that a goal without a plan is just a dream. I am not personally a fan of bumper-sticker type advice but, there is something about that one that just makes so much sense that I have to forgive it for seeming a little trite. This year, I have decided to take it to heart.

I have already written about my joint goals with Husband for our home and family and finances. But, I have a separate list for personal goals. I hope that by listing them here, it might inspire you to make your own list! I would love to see what you come up with and we can share them during my goals monthly checkup which I will do on this blog as well.

Again, as with my family list, I chose priorities and then focus areas under each one.

- Keep home company ready
-Complete Master Bedroom Decor
-Use coupons combined with sales to save $1200 on groceries/household and transfer to savings acct
-Try the CVS $50 Gift Card Challenge (which can be found here: Simply CVS )
-Complete 12 DIY Projects (Which will be listed in another post)

-Read 150 different new books to the boys
-Create 100 craft projects/busy bags/cooking projects

-Walk/Run/Jog 500 miles in 2012
-Complete a 5k in under 45 minutes
-Recondition post baby-post hernia surgery abs

Self Care
-Read devotional bible daily
-Read at least 12 books for pleasure (Also will be listed in another post- along with reviews!)
-Arrange one Mom's Night Out per month

What kinds of things are you working on for the year? Do you have a link to a list you find inspiring? Have you blogged about this, too? Link to it here in the comments. I would love to see what others are doing!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, beautiful picture of you and the Husband!

    I haven't been organized about planning to achieve goals so far. Well, except for homeschool and parenting goals. I'm very systematic about those.
